Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Scooting Along

As a young entrepreneur I am always looking out for a new way to make a buck to better my debt situations as I struggle to finish college.

Today's Solution... Buy a Scooter. (So I did. See Below)

Here is the break down.

Scooter  - $1000 (used of course)
1yr of insurance - $100.00
Gas/100mi - $3.00
Motorcycle safety foundations class - $170.00
License - $8.00
License Test - $11.00
Total cost first year at 4000 miles of usage... $1,409.00

Car Gas/100mi - $17.50
1 yr of insurance - $450.00
Cost of Driving the car 4000 miles....$1150.00

Savings on a gas comparison level

Scooter cost per mile - $0.03
Car cost per mile - $0.175
Savings per 100 miles - $14.50
Savings per 1,000 miles - $145.00
Savings per 10,000 miles - $1,450.00
Savings per 20,000 miles - $2,900.00

In other words... once you have your scooter to 10,000 miles, it starts to make you money everywhere you drive it. of course it would actually be way before that because we didn't factor in the things like cost of maintenance on the car that would be saved by not driving it as often. Or the amount of money you would save by not buying so much crap when you are shopping because you have no room to take it home. But the great news is that you would be saving $57.00 on each tank of gas (400 miles)

So here it is... If you want to save money, buy a scooter. It pays in the long run, and you get to have a fun toy in the process; however, don't go selling you car just yet because it still rains and friends still need rides.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to go for riding in the park with my daughter. Is there any recommend the best places to purchase an adult scooter?
